
2024 Best Elementary Schools in Vermont

Learn more about elementary schools in Vermont


The Complete Guide to Elementary Schools in Vermont

The state of Vermont has a total of 287 different elementary schools spread across its most populous cities and rural towns. On a per capita basis, Vermont actually ranks 3rd in the nation, averaging 82% more elementary schools than the typical state. Although smaller in size than the average state, the typical elementary school in Vermont has just 193 students on average, which puts it 50% smaller than the national average. On the bright side though, despite the smaller size there are typically fewer students per teacher than elsewhere in the nation (as evidenced by Vermont elementary schools having an 11:1 student to teacher ratio, 21% lower ratio than the typical US elementary school).

As a whole, the average elementary school in the state earns a B grade, which is equal to the national average. Furthermore, of the 287 total elementary schools in Vermont, only 32% are rated above average. Still that leaves about 93 options for parents and students to evaluate - which can still be an overwhelming endeavor. Narrowing that total down further, if you include only schools that rank in the top 25% of the nation, that total slims to 57. In other words, there’s still well over 50 school options in Vermont that rank in the nation’s top quartile.

Are public elementary schools in Vermont a good option?

Vermont has 222 total public elementary schools, and of that total, traditional public schools comprise 99% or about 219 of them. That’s a small number compared to other states with larger populations but for those with above average sights, nearly 4 out of 10 (39%) score above the national average, which is below 100% due in part to having no charter school options whatsoever. It's worth noting that the typical public school size in Vermont tends to be slightly below average when compared nationally, clocking in at 222 students per school which is 42% lower than the typical state average.

What is the best public elementary school in Vermont?

The best public elementary school located in Middlebury is Weybridge Elementary School. With 39 students and a student to teacher ratio of 8:1, it's a 43% lower ratio than the typical US elementary school which can equate to greater focus per student and often lead to better student learning outcomes. Weybridge Elementary wins out amongst nearly 200 other traditional public schools all across Vermont (219). About 39% of all such schools are rated above the national average.

Key statistics about charter elementary schools in Vermont

N/A since there are currently no charter elementary schools available in Vermont at this time.

Everything you need to know about magnet elementary schools in Vermont

Vermont has just 3 magnet elementary schools located throughout its towns and cities. The school quality is somewhat polarizing among them as one scores an A– while two others score a C+ and C respectively. About 0% of these magnet elementary schools are considered above the national average which means there aren’t any that might be an option for those looking for above-average quality instruction and learning opportunities.

What is the best magnet elementary school in Vermont?

Ranked as the best magnet elementary school in Vermont is Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes located in Burlington. The school is home to 183 students and as you’d expect scores a C+. The school has various teaching aides and methods to keep students highly engaged despite at times having larger class sizes and 10 students per every teacher at the school (10:1 ratio) which is 29% below the national student to teacher ratio.

All you need to know about private elementary schools in Vermont

Vermont has 62 total private elementary schools and earns an A– grade as a whole when combined with its religious counterparts. On a per capita basis, Vermont actually ranks 3rd for states with most private elementary schools per state resident - however it should be noted that about 34% (21) of these are religious by nature so this brings down some of its overall ratings slightly as religious-based instruction tends to be more restrictive than traditional private options from time-to-time. The typical private elementary school size also tends to be much smaller than any other type of school option within Vermont, coming in at just 84 students per school which is 78% lower than most states within America today.

Are religious elementary schools a good option?

As with all private school options, parents can be more selective about who will provide instruction their children receive and religious preferences definitely come into play here too - particularly when it comes to moral guidance or spiritual teaching/instruction throughout their youth education years as well as various cultural perspectives on various topics being discussed throughout their coursework/lessons each day too - quite possibly even beyond what could be taught or discussed within a traditional educational setting otherwise available elsewhere too (such as public or private institutions). Vermont has 21 different religious options, and Christian-influenced seems to be the most common - account for about half of all religious elementary schools.

Top 25 Best Elementary Schools in Vermont

Search for the best elementary schools in Vermont

#1 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Weybridge Elementary School

Middlebury, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#2 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Killington Elementary School

Killington, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#3 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Marion W. Cross School

Norwich, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#4 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Wardsboro Central School

Wardsboro, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#5 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Newton Elementary School

South Strafford, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#6 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Fayston Elementary School

Fayston, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#7 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Barnard Academy

Barnard, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#8 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Waitsfield Elementary School

Waitsfield, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#9 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Orchard School

South Burlington, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#10 Best Elementary School in Vermont

Ferrisburgh Central School

Ferrisburgh, VT


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

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