
2024 Best Middle Schools in Nebraska

Learn more about middle schools in Nebraska


Exploring Middle Schools in Nebraska

Middle school can be a major period of transition and growth for young adolescents. In the state of Nebraska, there are 685 middle schools spread across various cities like Omaha and Lincoln, which is 16% fewer than the national average. However, when adjusted for population, the state has 79% more schools per capita than the average state. On average, middle schools in Nebraska score a B–, which is near the national average of B– as well. Most middle schools in Nebraska are small, with the typical middle school having about 245 students per school. This is 40% below the national average, and may contribute to a closer learning environment than other states. About half of all middle schools in Nebraska score above average (53%), which suggests that there are around 366 top-tier educational options to choose from. Additionally, the state boasts a healthy 12 to 1 student to teacher ratio, 14% below the national average.

Key Facts About Public Middle Schools in Nebraska

When it comes to public schools in Nebraska, there are 532 options available throughout the state — an impressive 78% of all middle schools. While this number falls short of the national average (which is about 90%), it still offers plenty of variety for families seeking out high quality public education. On average, public middle schools in Nebraska are slightly smaller than other states with about 260 students per school (–36% vs national avg). Collectively, these schools receive an overall grade of B– which is near the national mark.

All About Traditional Public Schools in Nebraska

Traditional public schools comprise most of the public school sector, making up 98% of all public schools in Nebraska. Altogether, that’s about 521 options available to parents and students looking for a more traditional education experience. On average, these schools receive a B– grade — slightly higher than the national mark — and 64% of them score above average (334). Being larger than most other middle schools in other states (–39% vs national avg), traditional public schools have around 249 students per school on average.

The Nebraska Middle School that Excels Above All Others

When it comes to finding top-tier traditional public middle schools in Nebraska, Elkhorn Grandview Middle School stands out from its peers as one of the highest performing institutions in the state. The school is located in Omaha and consistently receives an A+ grade from reviewers year after year due to its impressive curriculum and devoted faculty. Elkhorn Grandview Middle School has an enrollment size of 656 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 14:1 — both metrics being below the national averages — which provides personalized instruction and close relationships between teachers and students alike. This creates an environment for success for all involved, making it one of the best options available for families looking for an unparalleled educational experience in Nebraska.

A Comprehensive Analysis Of Magnet Middle Schools In Nebraska

When it comes to magnet schools, there are 11 throughout the state — an impressive 83% higher than the national average. While not many in terms of sheer volume, these institutions provide quality options for parents who prioritize specialized learning experiences over traditional ones. On aggregate, these schools collectively score a C grade which is slightly lower than most states across America when adjusted for population (+106%). Despite this minor set back, 27% of magnet middle schools boast grades above a B– (3 total). Magnet schools typically have larger populations than regular middle schools as well with an average enrollment size of 764 students, a staggering 87% above the national average. Thus parents should bear this fact in mind before making their decision on where to send their children given how individualized attention from teachers can play such a huge role in educational attainment outcomes.

Key Insights Into Private School Landscape Of Nebraska

Private schools make up 22% of all middle school options in Nebraska with 149 institutions throughout the state (+45%). The grade for private schools across America varies drastically from state to state but here in Nebraska they hold an impressively high B+ rating overall on aggregate when compared with other states across America—praising parents who seek out private educational options that its indeed possible to find top-tier private institutions even if they’re not religiously affiliated or magnet/charter based organizations. On average private middle school numbers lean towards being smaller than other types—with just 197 students per institution (–52%), these metrics may increase or decrease depending on what city you’re based out of however many parents prefer smaller learning environments over larger ones when it comes to private organizations so this may be a plus depending on what your needs could be as a parent or student looking into joining one such institution within your local area/state boundaries .

Exploring The Landscape Of Religious Schools In Nebraska

Religious schools also hold a significant presence within Nebraskas private school sector—with 94% of private organizations being religiously affiliated—and 140 religious organizations existing throughout different cities—this figure is 94% higher per capita when compared with most other states across America—this could be great news for parents looking for religious-based educational experiences for their children as it means there’s plenty more choices available within their boundaries. Out of these 140 religious organizations 83 can be considered Catholic—giving parents another viable option if they’re looking into Catholic based schooling overall.

Top Middle Schools Exclusively for Boys in Nebraska

The state of Nebraska has a limited number of middle schools exclusively for boys, with only two schools available in this category. While the average grade rating for these schools is C+, this grade should not be seen as indicative of the quality of the education provided. The best all-boys school, Kearney West High School in Kearney, has a student body of only 42 pupils and a faculty of 2 teachers. This student-faculty ratio provides an exceptionally intimate learning environment, and is significantly lower than the national average. This can mean that the school is able to provide more individual attention to each student, helping them to better achieve their learning goals. The small size of the school also allows teachers to create personalized curricula that are tailored to each student’s individual needs.

Top 25 Best Middle Schools in Nebraska

Search for the best middle schools in Nebraska

#1 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Brownell Talbot College Preparatory School

Omaha, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#2 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Elkhorn Grandview Middle School

Omaha, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#3 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Elkhorn Ridge Middle School

Omaha, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#4 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Elkhorn Valley View Middle School

Elkhorn, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#5 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Elkhorn Middle School

Elkhorn, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#6 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Loveland Elementary School

Omaha, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#7 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Pender Elementary School

Pender, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#8 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Carl A. Swanson Elementary School

Omaha, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#9 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Bennington Middle School

Bennington, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

#10 Best Middle School in Nebraska

Prairie Lane Elementary School

Omaha, NE


School Status




Student-Teacher Ratio


Grade Levels

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