2023 Wildlife, Fish and Wildlands Science and Management Cost
There are about 7,063 students enrolled in Wildlife, Fish and Wildlands Science and Management in the USA.
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Wildlife, fish and wildlands science and management is the 311th most expensive degree in America, with a median cost of $22,781 amongst the top 50 programs (just ahead of #312, Insurance, with a median cost of $22,719).
The Great Lakes have the most expensive colleges with top of the line wildlife, fish and wildlands science and management programs predominantly led by Michigan State University with an annual cost of $39,766. Pennsylvania is the most expensive state for wildlife, fish and wildlands science and management led by Delaware Valley University.
Public schools with solid programs typically charge 62.71% less than private schools for in-state students. When looking at out-of-state tuition however, the median top 50 Public school charges 8.27% less than your average private school. So be sure to look into public shools in your state as soon as possible.
The most expensive top 25 college for wildlife fish and wildlands science and management is University of California-Davis. The most affordable option in the top 100 is Brigham Young University-Idaho. It costs just $4,208 per year, and it's ranked 48th for its wildlife, fish and wildlands science and management program. If you’re looking for a higher ranked, but still affordable option, University of Puerto Rico-Humacao is probably for you, ranked #18 with an in-state cost of just $3,968. Another more affordable option would be #23, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in Portage County, WI with a cost of $6,698 for in-state students and $15,408 for out-of-state students.