Not Very Popular
Compared to national avg.
Diplomas received last year
Vs. National Avg.
popularity Rank
Very Affordable
Compared to national avg.
Median degree cost
Vs. National Avg.
cost Rank
Below Average
Compared to national avg.
Average Salary Two Years Out of School
Vs. National Avg.
salary Rank
Compared to national avg.
Professor Rating
Vs. National Avg.
professors Rank
Not Very Diverse
Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
Going to school for Technical Teacher Education is not only a valuable choice, but often a mandatory first step for scholars wishing to pursue a career as a computer science teacher, a computer science tutor, or a computer science professor. Interestingly, technical teacher education is a very rare degree ranking as the 354th most popular area of study. Last year alone, there were 172 technical teacher education degrees conferred. In-state tuition at public colleges is, on average, Infinity times more expensive than their private fellows.
With only 31 institutions offering this degree you may have a more finite list of the institutions which will have a degree program for you. If you are looking to surround yourself with other technical teacher education students, consider looking at universities in Alabama which have more undergrads admitted to technical teacher education than any other state. Zooming out, the best region to get a degree in technical teacher education is in the Southeast region with Athens State University, Auburn University, and University of Kentucky best representing the region. Interestingly, our selection for the top conference to study technical teacher education is the Southeastern Conference with Auburn University, University of Arkansas, and University of Kentucky representing the conference. Based on our list on the best colleges, our belief is that the best college for technical teacher education is Auburn University.
The objectively 'best' school might not actually be the best school for you. There can be lots of perspectives to weigh when deciding on school. Things like campus amenities, transportation services, and food could sway your inclinations on which college to attend. Here at authority.org, we have evaluated the pros and cons for you. If, for example, you are interested in which technical teacher education school is home to the best campus, the answer is University of Kentucky. If you are primarily interested in which college is home to the top campus, we have a whole list dedicated to that. We have carefully pored through professor reviews, student reviews, government databases, and more in order to compare each major in an unbiased and informative way. Here you can find our comprehensive list for the schools with the best student life and from that list, our choice for the college with the best student life for technical teacher education is Auburn University. Are you curious why? Keep scrolling to find out more about our top choices. Many of our picks might surprise you.
If price is a significant influence in your decision on where to go to college, you might consider avoiding Auburn University. Auburn University is the most expensive university for technical teacher education, at least for out of state attendance. We have a page for the most expensive colleges that could put the expense at Auburn University into perspective. Additionally, you may care to know that technical teacher education is the 353rd most expensive degree in the US, with an average expense of $19,300. On a broader scale, the most costly state for technical teacher education in the nation is Arizona demonstrated by a cost of $16,613 at Northern Arizona University. To zoom out even further, the most costly region for technical teacher education is the Southwest region which is best demonstrated with Northern Arizona University with a cost of $16,613, and Oklahoma State University-Main Campus with a cost of $20,877.
Our cheapest region for technical teacher education is the Far West region which is represented by South Seattle College with a cost of $4,324. On the bright side, the most affordable school for technical teacher education is South Seattle College. Our entire list of the most affordable schools can be found here.
In-state students can expect to pay in the neighborhood of $9,800 for a degree in technical teacher education. That price shrinks significantly to an average of $20,500 for an out-of-state public-school student. On that note, our choice for the school representing the best value for technical teacher education: Auburn University. Through this link you will find our comprehensive list about the schools we believe to be the best value in general. That being said, this idea is predicated on being an out-of-state student. The value proposition changes when in-state tuition is considered, as such, we are using out-of-state tuition as the baseline.
Earnings for technical teacher education students range widely, but two years after completing the major students will regularly make around $46,100. While there can be a lot of variation in earnings potential; top earners can enjoy pay up to $91,100. Right out of college, the lowest end positions within the technical teacher education field earn $23,100, which could be worse. The top earning graduates for technical teacher education have come from Auburn University and if you want to find the universities with all of the highest earning graduates, Authority has that too.
The general diversity of technical teacher education lies subpar, arriving in only the 24th percentile of majors nationally. The school with the highest composite diversity for technical teacher education is South Seattle College and here you can find our comprehensive list for the colleges which have the most diversity. The overall financial diversity of the Technical Teacher Education major only ranks in the 98th percentile of all majors. Racial diversity is even further below average in the 18th percentile. White students make up the largest share, 76%, of students studying technical teacher education. Additionally, 53% of scholars seeking a technical teacher education degree are women.
The median rating for technical teacher education professors is 3.7 stars, which is 7% worse than the average for every major; which is a subpar ranking. If you want to find the most popular technical teacher education instructor in the country, consider looking up Julie Wyman at University of California-Davis. This may be a shock, but the best ranked instructors for technical teacher education according to students are found at University of California-Davis. If we consider data beyond just rankings we find that the university possessing the overall best instructors for technical teacher education is University of Kentucky. You can find more detail on our evolving ranking methodology for the best overall professors here, as well as some of the top examples of instructors nationwide.
Finally, the most difficult university to get into for technical teacher education is Oklahoma State University-Main Campus. While we do not necessarily see the value in it, we have a general page for the hardest colleges to get into. With that said, here at Authority we do hope you believe that approaching the education process with a lens mainly built on superlatives can cause issues. We encourage you to look at some of our other pages on different schools and read some of Authority's background articles on useful details to look for as you continue your university search.
Search for the best Technical Teacher Education colleges according to your filter parameters.
#1 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
College Park, MD | www.umd.edu/
#2 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Raleigh, NC | www.ncsu.edu/
#3 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
San Francisco, CA | https://www.usfca.edu/
#4 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Denton, TX | www.unt.edu/
#5 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Washington, DC | https://www.gwu.edu/
#6 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Chicago, IL | https://www.luc.edu/
#7 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Melbourne, FL | www.fit.edu/
#8 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Greensburg, PA | www.greensburg.pitt.edu/
#9 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Baltimore, MD | www.umaryland.edu/
#10 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Nashville, TN | https://www.lipscomb.edu/
#11 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Ann Arbor, MI | https://umich.edu/
#12 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Fresno, CA | www.fresno.edu/
#13 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Flagstaff, AZ | https://nau.edu/
#15 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
New York, NY | www.ccny.cuny.edu/
#16 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Tishomingo, OK | https://www.mscok.edu/
#17 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Maryville, MO | https://www.nwmissouri.edu/
#18 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Saint Louis, MO | https://www.fontbonne.edu/
#19 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Madison, WI | www.wisc.edu/
#20 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Toledo, OH | www.utoledo.edu/
#21 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Muncie, IN | www.bsu.edu/
#23 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Victoria, TX | www.uhv.edu/
#24 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Oswego, NY | https://www.oswego.edu/
#25 2024 Best Colleges for Technical Teacher Education
Athens, GA | www.uga.edu/