2023 Teaching English as a Second Language Students
There are about 15,870 students enrolled in Teaching English as a Second Language in the USA.
Menu: students
Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
College can be an immensely impactful time in one's life; it is a time for personal progress and evolution. Students attempt to capture who they are and build many of the needed skills to be a prosperous member of society. But growth is more than what one learns in a classroom - the late nights discussing Marx with a peer, the life lesson received from an eccentric instructor, the exposure to a different way of looking it. Therefore, a diverse univeristy experience greatly enhances what one gains from the time at college.
Teaching English as a Second Language is a more popular focus among students of color than white students. 47% of the US' Teaching English as a Second Language majors are white students, followed by latino students (28%), students of other races**(17%), and asian students (5%). The most racially diverse college* in the top 100 is University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, HI.
Moreover, Teaching English as a Second Language significatly skews female, with practically three in every four students majoring in Teaching English as a Second Language identifying as women. University of Wisconsin-River Falls in River Falls, WI has the most gender balanced student body in the top 100.
Another significant type of diversity is wealth diversity. Teaching English as a Second Language is somewhere around the median for income diversity (48th percentile). 30% of its students come from homes with a sub $30,000 income, 16% are from families taking in between $48,000 and $75,000 a year, and 24% grew up in families with $110,000 plus annual incomes. Brigham Young University-Hawaii is the most financially diverse school in the top 100.
Considering each type of diversity, overall HI is the most diverse state for Teaching English as a Second Language. The Far West is the most diverse region, and the Big West Conference is the most diverse conference.
* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white
Diversity Statistics
Racial Diversity
Asian: 5%
Black: 3%
Latino: 28%
White: 47%
Other: 17%
Gender Diversity
Male: 24%
Female: 76%
Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
Under 30k: 30%
30k - 48k: 15%
48k - 75k: 16%
75k - 110k: 16%
Over 110k: 24%
Geographic Diversity
In State: 70%
Out of State: 27%
International: 3%