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2023 Social Sciences Students

There are about 117,405 students enrolled in Social Sciences in the USA.

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Compared to national avg.

Diversity Rating


Vs. National Avg.


students Rank



College often can be a vastly formative adventure in one's life; it's an occasion for personal progress and expansion. Students try to figure out their values and learn many of the needed skills to become a prosperous adult. But growth goes far beyond a classroom environment - the interactions one has with their peers, the funny story received from an eccentric professor, the exposure to a different vantage point. As such, a diverse campus greatly enhances what one gains from the time spent at college.

Social Sciences is a more ethnically diverse subject than average*. 55% of the US' Social Sciences majors are white students, followed by latino students (17%), black students (14%), and students of other races**(9%). The most racially diverse college* in the top 100 is University of Southern California&nbspin Los Angeles, CA.

Furthermore, Social Sciences significatly skews female, with nearly 2/3 of students majoring in Social Sciences identifying as women. The most gender balanced school in the top 100 is Providence College in Providence, RI.

Another significant type of diversity is economic diversity. Social Sciences is around the middle of the pack for economic diversity (58th percentile). 31% of its majors come from families bringing in less than $30,000 a year, 17% are from families that earn between $30,000 and $48,000 a year, and 22% grew up in very high income families. Western Oregon University has the most fiscally diverse student body in the top 100.

Considering each type of diversity, overall CT is the most diverse state for Social Sciences. The Far West is the most diverse region, and the University Athletic Association is the most diverse conference.

* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white

Diversity Statistics

Racial Diversity
  • Asian: 5%

  • Black: 14%

  • Latino: 17%

  • White: 55%

  • Other: 9%

    Gender Diversity
  • Male: 34%

  • Female: 66%

    Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
  • Under 30k: 31%

  • 30k - 48k: 17%

  • 48k - 75k: 16%

  • 75k - 110k: 14%

  • Over 110k: 22%

    Geographic Diversity
  • In State: 70%

  • Out of State: 26%

  • International: 4%

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