2023 Religious Music Cost
There are about 1,543 students enrolled in Religious Music in the USA.
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Religious music is the 313th most expensive major in America, with a median cost of $22,641 amongst the top 50 programs (just ahead of #314, Sales and Merchandising, with a median cost of $22,389).
The Southwest has the most expensive colleges with top 50 religious music programs led by Arizona Christian University with an annual cost of $26,240. Kentucky is the most expensive state for religious music led by Asbury University.
Public schools with solid programs by and large charge 100% less than private schools for in-state students. However, when looking at out-of-state tuition, the median top 50 Public school charges 100% less than your average private school. So, if you're applying to a state school, make sure you qualify for in-state tuition ASAP.
The most expensive option in the top 25 is Baylor University. The most affordable option in the top 100 is Moody Bible Institute. It costs just $11,200 per year and is its religious music program is ranked #11. Another more affordable choice would be #12, Ozark Christian College in Jasper County, MO with a cost of $12,300 for in-state students and $12,300 for out-of-state students.