2023 Religious Education Rankings
There are about 4,467 students enrolled in Religious Education in the USA.
Studying Religious Education is a valuable choice and usually a necessary first step for pupils wanting to begin a career as a theology professor, a torah history professor, or a rector. In fact, religious education is an uncommon major ranking as the 230th most popular major. Last year alone, there were 843 religious education graduates. In-state tuition for religious education at private schools is, on average, Infinity times more costly than their public rivals.
With only 97 universities having programs for religious education you may have a more finite list of the institutions that will have an option for you. If you're hoping to immerse yourself with other religious education majors, look at schools in Arizona which have the most undergrads admitted to religious education annually. More generally, the top region to study religious education is in the Southwest region with Grand Canyon University, Dallas Baptist University, and College of Biblical Studies best representing the region. Interestingly, our selection of the top conference to major in religious education is the Western Athletic Conference with Grand Canyon University representing the conference. That said, our selection for the best school for religious education is Wheaton College. You may also want to check out our list of best colleges.
The overall best school does not mean it is the 'best' school for every student. There might be tons of facets to consider when choosing university. Stuff like campus amenities, transportation services, and food might definitely change one's decision on where to go to college. Here at authority.org, we have examined the pros and cons for you. If, for example, you are interested in which religious education university is home to the superior campus, the winner is Grand Canyon University. If, for example, you are very interested in which school boasts the finest campus, we have a whole page dedicated to that. We have carefully pored through professor reviews, student reviews, government databases, and more to compare every major in the United States in an unbiased and informative way. Here you can explore our well researched list for the colleges with the best student life and from that list, our pick of the school with the best student life for religious education is Wheaton College. Are you curious why? Keep scrolling to learn more about Authority's top choices. Many of our decisions might shock you.
If price is a significant influence in your choice of where you attend school, you might be cautious about Biola University. Biola University appears to be the most expensive college for religious education, at least regarding out of state attendance. That being said, we have a list of the most expensive schools that could put the price tag at Biola University into perspective. Additionally, you could be interested to know that religious education is the 211th most expensive degree in the nation, with an average expense of $29,500. On a broader scale, the most expensive state for religious education in the country is California at Azusa Pacific University and Biola University, the primary schools in California, of $39,640 and $41,976. To zoom out even further, the most expensive region of the U.S. for religious education is the Far West region which is best demonstrated with Azusa Pacific University with a cost of $39,640, Biola University with a cost of $41,976, and George Fox University with a cost of $36,750.
Our cheapest region for religious education is the Southeast region which is represented by University of the Cumberlands with a cost of $9,875, Lindsey Wilson College with a cost of $25,080, and Lee University with a cost of $18,120. On the bright side, the most affordable school for religious education is University of the Cumberlands. Authority.org's full list of the most affordable schools can be explored here.
In-state attendees can anticipate paying about $0 for a degree in religious education. That cost increases intensely to a median of $0 for the out-of-state public-school student. Our pick for the school with the best value for religious education: Wheaton College. On this page you can find our comprehensive list about the schools we believe to be the best value overall. With that said, this section is predicated on being an out-of-state student. A discussion of value changes when in-state tuition is considered, but we do not know in which states any one student has residency.
Earnings for religious education majors vary widely, but within two-years of completing the major students will often make around $39,900. While there is a lot of variation in earnings potential; top positions can make up to $71,100. Straight out of school, the lowest end positions within the religious education space earn $23,100, which could be worse. The top earning grads for religious education graduated from Azusa Pacific University and if you want to find the universities with all of the highest earning graduates, Authority has that too.
The all-around diversity of religious education is decent, being within the 54th percentile of all programs. The college with the most composite diversity for religious education is Grand Canyon University and here you can find our general list of the universities which have the most diversity. The financial diversity of Religious Education only is in the 51st percentile compared to all other majors. Racial diversity is even less in the 44th percentile. White collegians compose the largest share at 63% of those majoring in religious education. Additionally, 57% of students pursuing a religious education major are women.
We have insufficient professors data for religious education to make the conclusions we normally would have made in this sentence. If we including data other than just rankings we find that the college with the best professors for religious education is Dallas Baptist University. One can find more detail on our evolving ranking methodology of the best overall professors here, as well as some of the finest examples of professors in the U.S.
Finally, the most difficult school to get into for religious education is Crown College. While we do not necessarily see the value in it, we do have a general page of the hardest colleges to get into. That being said, we do hope you believe that looking at higher education with a perspective primarily built on superlatives can cause issues. We hope you look at some of our other pages on different universities and peruse a couple of our helpful background 'blog posts' on essential things to look for as your university search develops.