2023 Radiation Therapy Students
There are about 28,168 students enrolled in Radiation Therapy in the USA.
Menu: students
Not Very Diverse
Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
College can be an extremely revelatory adventure in one's life; it is a time for personal progress and expansion. Undergrads try to ascertain what they want to do with their lives and cultivate many of the must-have skills to become a prosperous adult. But growth is deeper than what one learns in a classroom environment - the late nights discussing World War II with a classmate, the nugget of wisdom received from an eccentric instructor, the exposure to a different take on things. Therefore, a diverse student population tremendously enhances what one gains from the time spent at college.
Radiation Therapy is a less racially diverse subject than average*. 75% of America's Radiation Therapy majors are white students, followed by latino students (12%), black students (6%), and asian students (4%). The most ethnically diverse college* in the top 100 is University of Nevada-Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV.
Moreover, Radiation Therapy very highly skews female, more so virtually 85.7% of subjects. 4 out of 5 students majoring in Radiation Therapy identify as women. Valencia College in Orlando, FL has the most gender balanced student body in the top 100.
Another critical type of diversity is income diversity. Unfortunately, Radiation Therapy ranks in the bottom 27% of programs income diversity. 33% of its students come from families earning under $30,000 a year, 17% are from lower income households, and 19% grew up in households taking in over $110,000 per year. Clarion University of Pennsylvania has the most financially diverse student body in the top 100.
Considering each type of diversity, overall NV is the most diverse state for Radiation Therapy. The Far West is the most diverse region, and the Mountain West Conference is the most diverse conference.
* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white
Diversity Statistics
Racial Diversity
Asian: 4%
Black: 6%
Latino: 12%
White: 75%
Other: 3%
Gender Diversity
Male: 20%
Female: 80%
Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
Under 30k: 33%
30k - 48k: 17%
48k - 75k: 17%
75k - 110k: 15%
Over 110k: 19%
Geographic Diversity
In State: 83%
Out of State: 15%
International: 3%