2023 Natural Resources and Conservation Students
There are about 83,798 students enrolled in Natural Resources and Conservation in the USA.
Menu: students
Below Average
Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
College can be a supremely constructive time of one's life; it's an opportunity for personal progress and evolution. Undergraduates continue to figure out who they can be and develop many of the required skills to become a halcyon adult. But learning is more than sitting in the classroom - the conversations one has with their peers, the personal lesson received from an old instructor, the exposure to a different attitude. As such, attending a diverse college greatly enriches what you gain from your time at university.
Natural Resources and Conservation is a less ethnically diverse major than average*. 68% of the US' Natural Resources and Conservation majors are white students, followed by students of other races**(13%), latino students (10%), and asian students (7%). The most ethnically diverse college* in the top 100 is University of California-Los Angeles located in Los Angeles, CA.
Furthermore, Natural Resources and Conservation significatly skews female, with 57% of students majoring in Natural Resources and Conservation identifying as women. The most gender balanced school in the top 100 is Trinity College in Hartford, CT.
Another significant type of diversity is class diversity. Unfortunately, Natural Resources and Conservation is one of America's least financially diverse subjects (Bottom 19%). 34% of its majors come from households who earn north of $110,000 per year, 16% are from middle income families, and 21% grew up in households with a sub $30,000 annual income. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has the most fiscally diverse student body in the top 100.
Considering each type of diversity, overall CA is the most diverse state for Natural Resources and Conservation. The Far West is the most diverse region, and the California Collegiate Athletic Association is the most diverse conference.
* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white
Diversity Statistics
Racial Diversity
Asian: 7%
Black: 2%
Latino: 10%
White: 68%
Other: 13%
Gender Diversity
Male: 43%
Female: 57%
Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
Under 30k: 21%
30k - 48k: 14%
48k - 75k: 16%
75k - 110k: 15%
Over 110k: 34%
Geographic Diversity
In State: 60%
Out of State: 32%
International: 9%