2023 Music History, Literature, and Theory Professors
There are about 459 students enrolled in Music History, Literature, and Theory in the USA.
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Fast Facts for Music History, Literature, and Theory: Median Professor Rating: 4 / 5, which is below average.
Instructors frequently play a massive role in your college experience, no matter what you study. A great teacher can help a student find their passion and set you up for future success. Alternatively, a bad experience with a professor can cause unwanted aggravation or even worse... fail you!
Professors of Music History, Literature, and Theory have a median student rating of 4 out of 5, which puts these professors in the top 63rd percentile in the US grounded in overall professor quality. Suprisingly, this major is exactly the median for professor rating, which, in our opinion, is remarkably average! Professors of Music History, Literature, and Theory barely out-ranked those from "Asian-American Studies", whereas "Experimental Psychology" professors ranked one slot above Music History, Literature, and Theory.
Now for some statistics about Music History, Literature, and Theory professors. Colleges located in midsize citys tend to have the best Music History, Literature, and Theory professors. The Southeastern Conference has the highest rated Music History, Literature, and Theory professors. The Mid East region has the highest rated Music History, Literature, and Theory professors. Public institutions tend to have higher rated Music History, Literature, and Theory professors than private colleges. Finally, Georgia has the highest rated Music History, Literature, and Theory professors in the United States.
Larry Wacholtz, professor at Belmont University in Nashville, TN is the most popular Music History, Literature, and Theory professor in the United States. Zak Jablow, instructor at Columbia College Chicago in Chicago, IL is the highest rated Music History, Literature, and Theory professor in the United States, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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