2023 Medieval and Renaissance Studies Professors
There are about 167 students enrolled in Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the USA.
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Fast Facts for Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Median Professor Rating: 4.3 / 5, which is Top 100.
Instructors consistently play a mighty role in your college experience, regardless of your focus. An effective professor could help a student find their passion and set you up for future success. Alternatively, an ineffective professor can turn you off of a subject or even worse... fail you!
Professors of Medieval and Renaissance Studies boast a median student rating of 4.3 out of 5, putting them in 61st place in the nation grounded in overall professor effectivness. For context that's 7.5% above the national median professor rating for all subjects. Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors barely surpassed those from "French Studies", whereas "Critical Theory and Analysis" professors ranked one slot above Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Now for some statistics about Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors. Colleges located in small suburbs tend to have the best Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors. The The Summit League has the highest rated Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors. The Mid East region has the highest rated Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors. Private universities tend to have higher rated Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors than public colleges. Finally, Nevada has the highest rated Medieval and Renaissance Studies professors in the US.
Timothy Boyd, instructor at University at Buffalo in Buffalo, NY is the most popular Medieval and Renaissance Studies professor in the nation. Frank King, instructor at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA is the highest rated Medieval and Renaissance Studies professor in the US, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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