2023 Mechanic and Repair Technologies Salary
There are about 928,293 students enrolled in Mechanic and Repair Technologies in the USA.
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Average Salary Two Years Out of School
Vs. National Avg.
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College is an important investment for most undergraduates. It is critical to have confidence you increase your future earning power. Therefore, we hope the following earnings and job placement info help you in deciding your focus at college.
The average Mechanic and Repair Technologies student makes a first year income of $34,398 a year (bottom 39%). Later on in their careers, they normally draw anywhere between $45,822 and $103,675, but average near $69,016. To put it in context, that is 79% greater than the national average.
The most popular work position for a Mechanic and Repair Technologies graduate is Engineer, which usually make approximately $59,000; next are Senior Engineer and Analyst, which usually earn close to $75,000 and $54,000 respectively.
The highest earning region for Mechanic and Repair Technologies graduates is The Southeast. The best paid state for Mechanic and Repair Technologies graduates is FL. Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference has the highest grossing Mechanic and Repair Technologies graduates of any conference..