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2023 Kinesiology and Exercise Science Salary

There are about 96,721 students enrolled in Kinesiology and Exercise Science in the USA.

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Low Paying

Compared to national avg.

Average Salary Two Years Out of School


Vs. National Avg.


salary Rank



Enrolling in college is an important investment for most undergraduates. It's important to lack doubt you justify your spend. Therefore, we hope the following income and job placement statistics help you make a well informed decision when electing your major.

The average Kinesiology and Exercise Science major makes a first year salary of $32,640 per annum (bottom 30%). Further into their professions, they often earn somewhere between $19,998 and $71,219, but average near $37,103. To put it in context, that's 4% under the nation wide average.

The most popular job title for a Kinesiology and Exercise Science graduate is Analyst, which by and large earn about $54,000; next are Account Executive and Outside Sales Representative, which usually make roughly $36,000 and $42,000 respectively.

The best paid region for Kinesiology and Exercise Science graduates is New England. The best paid state for Kinesiology and Exercise Science graduates is FL. Atlantic 10 Conference has the highest grossing Kinesiology and Exercise Science graduates of any conference..

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