2023 International Business Students
There are about 24,053 students enrolled in International Business in the USA.
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Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
College is a supremely influential time in one's life; it is a chance for personal growth and development. Undergraduates try to realize who they can be and learn many of the crucial skills to become a prosperous adult. But growth is deeper than what one learns in a classroom environment - the late nights discussing Langston Hughes with a peer, the funny story gained from a tenured instructor, the exposure to a different perspective. Therefore, attending a diverse college tremendously enriches what one gains from the time in college.
International Business is a more popular major among students of color than white students. 44% of the nation's International Business majors are white students, followed by students of other races**(31%), latino students (13%), and asian students (8%). The most ethnically diverse college* in the top 100 is Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI.
In addition, International Business is pretty diverse with respect to gender, with 54% of students majoring in International Business identifying as women. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott in Prescott, AZ has the most gender balanced student body in the top 100.
Another significant type of diversity is income diversity. Unfortunately, International Business is one of America's least economically diverse subjects (Bottom 9%). 36% of its students come from households that make over $110,000 per year, 16% are from homes making between $75,000 and $110,000 a year, and 20% grew up in households earning south of $30,000 a year. College of Charleston is the most financially diverse institution in the top 100.
Considering each type of diversity, overall NY is the most diverse state for International Business. The Southwest is the most diverse region, and the Upstate Collegiate Athletic Association is the most diverse conference.
* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white
Diversity Statistics
Racial Diversity
Asian: 8%
Black: 4%
Latino: 13%
White: 44%
Other: 31%
Gender Diversity
Male: 46%
Female: 54%
Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
Under 30k: 20%
30k - 48k: 13%
48k - 75k: 15%
75k - 110k: 16%
Over 110k: 36%
Geographic Diversity
In State: 58%
Out of State: 37%
International: 4%