2023 Human Services Professors
There are about 705,311 students enrolled in Human Services in the USA.
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Fast Facts for Human Services: Median Professor Rating: 4 / 5, which is below average.
Instructors continually play a severe role in shaping your college experience, regardless of your primary focus. An effective professor could help a student find their passion and set you up for future success. Contrarily, a bad experience with a professor can turn you off of a subject or even worse... fail you!
Professors of Human Services have a median student rating of 4 / 5, which puts them in the top 59th percentile in the US based on overall professor effectivness. Suprisingly, this major is exactly the median for professor rating, which, in our opinion, is remarkably average! Professors of Human Services slightly out-ranked those from "Visual and Performing Arts", whereas "Radio, Television, and Digital Communication" professors ranked one slot above Human Services.
Now for some statistics about Human Services professors. Colleges located in small citys tend to have the best Human Services professors. The Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference has the highest rated Human Services professors. The Rocky Mountains region has the highest rated Human Services professors. Public colleges tend to have higher rated Human Services professors than private schools. Finally, Colorado has the highest rated Human Services professors in the United States.
Tony Petrucci, professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA is the most popular Human Services professor in America. Fernan Cepero, professor at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, NH is the highest rated Human Services professor in the US, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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