2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
There are about 1,870 students enrolled in Hispanic-American Studies in the USA.
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Not Very Popular
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Somewhat Expensive
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Above Average
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Average Salary Two Years Out of School
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salary Rank
Very Good
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Professor Rating
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professors Rank
Above Average
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Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
Studying Hispanic-American Studies is not only a valuable choice, but naturally a critical first step for undergrads trying to begin a career as a training consultant, a human resources associate, or a field sales representative. In fact, nationally, hispanic-american studies is a very rare major ranking as the 245th most popular degree. Last academic year alone, there were 717 hispanic-american studies graduates. In-state tuition for hispanic-american studies at private institutions is, on average, 5.6 times more spendy than their public fellows.
With just 51 universities offering hispanic-american studies you might have a smaller selection of institutions that will have an option for you. If you're hoping to surround yourself with other hispanic-american studies undergraduates, look at colleges in California which have more students admitted to hispanic-american studies than any other state. More generally, the top region to pursue hispanic-american studies is in the Far West region with University of California-Davis, University of California-Los Angeles, and University of California-Santa Cruz best representing the region. Interestingly, our pick of the top conference to study hispanic-american studies is the Big West Conference with California State University-Northridge, University of California-Davis, and University of California-Santa Barbara representing the conference. Based on our extensive list on the best colleges, our choice for the best college for hispanic-american studies is Northwestern University.
The objectively 'best' school is not necessarily the best school for you. There are lots of facets to consider when deciding on university. Things like campus amenities, transportation services, and food would definitely sway one's decision on which college to attend. Here at Authority, we have weighed the pros and cons for you. If, for example, you want to know which hispanic-american studies university boasts the best campus, the winner is University of California-Los Angeles. If you are very interested in which college has the finest campus, then we have a whole list dedicated to that. We have carefully pored through student reviews, professor reviews, government databases, and more to evaluate every U.S. major in an unbiased and informative way. You can explore our comprehensive list for the universities with the best student life here and our pick for the university with the best student life for hispanic-american studies is University of California-Los Angeles. Curious why? Continue reading to learn more about Authority's top choices. Some of our picks just might shock you.
If expense is a significant factor in your choice of where you attend university, you might consider avoiding Northwestern University. Northwestern University is our most expensive school for hispanic-american studies, at least for out of state students. That being said, we have a page for the most expensive universities that might put the expense at Northwestern University into perspective. Additionally, you may care to know that hispanic-american studies is the 318th most expensive program in America, with an average expense of $22,100. To zoom out a little, the most expensive state for hispanic-american studies nationally is Massachusetts with tuition and fees at the main school, Wheaton College, of $54,118. Even more broadly, the most expensive region of the country for hispanic-american studies is unfortunately unavailable due to missing data.
Our cheapest region for hispanic-american studies is the Rocky Mountains region which is represented by Metropolitan State University of Denver with a cost of $20,009. More optimistically, the most affordable university for hispanic-american studies is The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Authority's comprehensive list of the most affordable universities can be explored here.
In-state learners can expect to pay around $10,000 for a degree in hispanic-american studies. The price increases substantially to an average of $28,100 for an out-of-state public-school student. As such, you might be interested in our pick for the university constituting the best value for hispanic-american studies: Northwestern University. On this page you can see our comprehensive list for the universities we see as being the best value in general. With that said, this discussion is predicated on out-of-state tuition costs. A discussion of value changes when in-state tuition is considered, but we do not know in which states any one student has residency.
Earnings for hispanic-american studies majors can differ, but within two years leaving college students will typically make around $44,200. There is much variation in earnings potential; highest paid earners can make up to $77,900. Even straight out of college, the lowest earning jobs within the hispanic-american studies field make $25,100, which could be worse. The highest earning graduates for hispanic-american studies have come from Northwestern University and if you want to find the colleges with all of the highest earning graduates, we have that too.
The all-around diversity of hispanic-american studies is in the bottom, coming within only the 0th percentile of majors nationally. The school with the most composite diversity for hispanic-american studies is University of California-Los Angeles and here you can find our general list of the universities with the most diversity. The financial diversity of Hispanic-American Studies only is within the 4th percentile of all majors. Racial diversity is even further below average in the 0th percentile. Latino students compose the largest proportion at 95% of those studying hispanic-american studies. Additionally, 74% of undergraduates pursuing a hispanic-american studies degree are women.
The median rating for hispanic-american studies professors is 4 stars, a score which is surprisingly the median for every major; which is a fine. If you are looking for the most popular hispanic-american studies professor nationally, take a look at Ernesto Martinez from Ohlone College. This may surprise you, but the best rated instructors of hispanic-american studies by student are at California State University-Northridge. As we consider data beyond basic rankings we find that the school with the overall best professors for hispanic-american studies is Northwestern University. One can find more detail on our ever evolving ranking methodology for the best overall professors here, along with some of the finest professors nationwide.
Finally, the hardest university to get into for hispanic-american studies is Northwestern University. While we do not necessarily see the value in it, we have a comprehensive page for the hardest colleges to get into. That being said, we hope you understand that approaching academics with a perspective mainly formed from superlatives could be said to be the root of many of higher education's fundamental issues. We hope you look at some of our other pages on different schools and explore a couple of our background pages on important details to think about as you continue your university search.
Top 25 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Search for the best Hispanic-American Studies colleges according to your filter parameters.
#1 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Stanford University
Stanford, CA | www.stanford.edu/
#2 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN | www.vanderbilt.edu/
#3 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL | www.northwestern.edu/
#5 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of California-Berkeley
Berkeley, CA | www.berkeley.edu/
#6 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Claremont McKenna College
Claremont, CA | www.cmc.edu/
#7 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN | www.nd.edu/
#9 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA | www.ucla.edu/
#10 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL | www.illinois.edu/
#11 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI | https://umich.edu/
#12 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA | www.usc.edu/
#13 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of California-Irvine
Irvine, CA | www.uci.edu/
#14 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX | https://www.utexas.edu/
#15 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI | www.wisc.edu/
#16 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of California-Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA | www.ucsb.edu/
#17 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Pitzer College
Claremont, CA | https://www.pitzer.edu/
#18 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX | https://www.smu.edu/
#19 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Colorado College
Colorado Springs, CO | www.coloradocollege.edu/
#20 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of California-Davis
Davis, CA | ucdavis.edu/
#21 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN | https://twin-cities.umn.edu/
#22 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
New Brunswick, NJ | https://newbrunswick.rutgers.edu/
#23 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Arizona State University Campus Immersion
Tempe, AZ | www.asu.edu/
#24 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Scripps College
Claremont, CA | www.scrippscollege.edu/
#25 2024 Best Colleges for Hispanic-American Studies
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA | www.pepperdine.edu/