2023 Health and Fitness Professors
There are about 47,899 students enrolled in Health and Fitness in the USA.
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Fast Facts for Health and Fitness: Median Professor Rating: 4 / 5, which is average.
Instructors consistently have a heavy impact your college experience, regardless of your major. A thoughtful teacher might provide inspiration and set a student up for future success. On the other hand, an unpleasant professor can disenchant you from a subject or even worse... flunk you!
Health and Fitness professors have a median student rating of 4 / 5, which puts them in the top 53rd percentile in the United States grounded in student satisfaction. Suprisingly, this major is exactly the median for professor rating, which, in our opinion, is remarkably average! Health and Fitness professors slightly surpassed those from "Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences", whereas "Environmental Studies" professors ranked one slot above Health and Fitness.
Now for some statistics about Health and Fitness professors. Colleges located in distant towns tend to have the best Health and Fitness professors. The Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference has the highest rated Health and Fitness professors. The Plains region has the highest rated Health and Fitness professors. Public universities tend to have higher rated Health and Fitness professors than private universities. Finally, Minnesota has the highest rated Health and Fitness professors in the nation.
Vikas Sudesh, instructor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach in Daytona Beach, FL is the most popular Health and Fitness professor in America. Mitchell Haroldson, instructor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, NC is the highest rated Health and Fitness professor in the US, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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