2023 Health and Fitness Cost
There are about 47,899 students enrolled in Health and Fitness in the USA.
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Very Affordable
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Health and fitness is the 241st most expensive degree in America, with a median cost of $27,874 among the top 50 programs (just ahead of #242, Middle School Education and Teaching, with a median cost of $27,822).
The Great Lakes have the most expensive schools with top 50 health and fitness programs predominantly led by Hanover College with an annual cost of $37,980. The most expensive state for health and fitness is Maryland led by McDaniel College.
Public schools with good programs by and large charge 70.61% less than private schools for in-state students. When looking at out-of-state tuition however, the median top 50 Public school charges 32.92% less than the median private school. So, if you're applying to a state school, make sure you're eligible for in-state tuition ASAP.
The most costly option in the top 25 is Emory University, which is the 82nd most expensive college in America. The most affordable option in the top 100 is University of North Carolina at Pembroke. It costs just $5,000 per year, but it is its health and fitness program is ranked #81. If you’re looking for a higher ranked, but still affordable college, Brigham Young University-Provo might be a good fit for you, ranked #9 with an in-state cost of just $5,790. Another more affordable pick would be #17, Gallaudet University in District of Columbia, DC with a cost of $16,512 for in-state students and $16,512 for out-of-state students.