2023 Fine and Studio Arts Management Professors
There are about 2,589 students enrolled in Fine and Studio Arts Management in the USA.
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Fast Facts for Fine and Studio Arts Management: Median Professor Rating: 4.3 / 5, which is Top 100.
Professors oftentimes play a great role in your college experience, regardless of your major. A good instructor might help a student find their passion and set one up for future success. On the other hand, a poor professor can turn you off of an entire field or even worse... flunk you!
Professors of Fine and Studio Arts Management boast a median student rating of 4.3 / 5, which puts these professors in 78th place in the US grounded in student approval. For context a 4.3 rating is 7.5% north of the national median professor rating for all subjects. Fine and Studio Arts Management professors just out-ranked those from "Missionary Studies", whereas "Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling" professors ranked one slot above Fine and Studio Arts Management.
Now for some statistics about Fine and Studio Arts Management professors. Colleges located in remote towns tend to have the best Fine and Studio Arts Management professors. The Sunshine State Conference has the highest rated Fine and Studio Arts Management professors. The Southeast region has the highest rated Fine and Studio Arts Management professors. Private institutions tend to have higher rated Fine and Studio Arts Management professors than public universities. Finally, North Carolina has the highest rated Fine and Studio Arts Management professors in the nation.
Adris Brundidge, instructor at Salt Lake Community College in Salt Lake City, UT is the most popular Fine and Studio Arts Management professor in the US. Lucy Mcallister, instructor at Babson College in Wellesley, MA is the highest rated Fine and Studio Arts Management professor in the nation, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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