Above Average
Compared to national avg.
Diplomas received last year
Vs. National Avg.
popularity Rank
Very Affordable
Compared to national avg.
Median degree cost
Vs. National Avg.
cost Rank
Low Paying
Compared to national avg.
Average Salary Two Years Out of School
Vs. National Avg.
salary Rank
Not Very Good
Compared to national avg.
Professor Rating
Vs. National Avg.
professors Rank
Not Very Diverse
Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
Majoring in Electrical Engineering Technologies is a valuable choice and frequently a required first step for scholars intending to enter a career as an electronics technician, an electrical design engineer, or a plc programmer. In fact, electrical engineering technologies is a unique degree coming in at the 165th most popular major. In the last year, there were 1,642 electrical engineering technologies graduates. In-state tuition for electrical engineering technologies at private colleges is, on average, 3.6 times more spendy than their public counterparts.
With just 126 institutions having programs for electrical engineering technologies you may have a smaller selection of institutions that will have an option for you. If you're looking to surround yourself with other electrical engineering technologies majors, look at colleges in New York which have more undergrads admitted to electrical engineering technologies than any other state. Zooming out, the top region to study electrical engineering technologies is in the Great Lakes region with Purdue University-Main Campus, DeVry University-Illinois, and Purdue University Northwest best representing the region. Interestingly, our selection of the top conference to major in electrical engineering technologies is the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference with Ferris State University, Wayne State University, and Purdue University Northwest representing the conference. That being said, our choice for the best university for electrical engineering technologies is Texas A & M University-College Station, and here you can find our comprehensive list for the best colleges.
The 'best' school does not mean it is the 'best' school for every student. There are many more angels to think about when selecting school. Things such as campus amenities, transportation services, and food could definitely modify your choice on where to go to school. At authority.org, we've weighed the pros and cons for you. If, for example, you are interested in which electrical engineering technologies university boasts the top campus, the answer is Purdue University-Main Campus. If you are primarily interested in which college is home to the top campus, we have an entire list dedicated to that. We have carefully pored through government databases, professor reviews, student reviews, and more to compare every U.S. major in an unbiased and informative way. You can find our comprehensive list for the universities with the best student life here and our selection of the school with the best student life for electrical engineering technologies is Texas A & M University-College Station. Are you curious why? Keep reading to discover more about our top choices. Many of our decisions will probably shock you.
If cost is a significant factor in your decisions, you might consider avoiding Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester Institute of Technology is our most expensive university for electrical engineering technologies, at least regarding out of state students. That being said, we have a list of the most expensive schools that might put the expense at Rochester Institute of Technology into perspective. You could also want to know that electrical engineering technologies is the 343rd most expensive degree in the US, with an average cost of $19,900. To zoom out a little, the most costly state for electrical engineering technologies on our list is Massachusetts with tuition and fees at the primary institution, Wentworth Institute of Technology, of $34,970. To zoom out even further, the most costly region for electrical engineering technologies is the New England region which is best demonstrated with University of Hartford with a cost of $39,220, Wentworth Institute of Technology with a cost of $34,970, and Johnson & Wales University-Providence with a cost of $33,054.
Our cheapest region for electrical engineering technologies is the Plains region which is represented by Pittsburg State University with a cost of $17,038, Missouri Western State University with a cost of $12,573, and Grantham University with a cost of $7,080. On the bright side, the most affordable university for electrical engineering technologies is Purdue University Northwest. Authority.org's full list of the most affordable universities can be explored here.
In-state learners can anticipate paying in the neighborhood of $9,000 for a degree in electrical engineering technologies. The price swells substantially to an average of $19,400 for an out-of-state public-school undergrad. As such, you might be interested in our choice for the university constituting the best value for electrical engineering technologies: Texas A & M University-College Station. Here you will see our comprehensive list about the colleges we see as being the best value overall. Do know, this section is based on out-of-state tuition costs. A discussion of value changes when in-state tuition costs are considered, but we do not know where you live (and are not trying to collect that kind of data).
Earnings for electrical engineering technologies students differ a lot, but two years after completing the major students will regularly make in the neighborhood of $65,900. There can be a lot of variation in pay; top positions can enjoy pay up to $103,300. Even right out of school, the minimum earning opportunities within the electrical engineering technologies field earn $42,100, which is an alright wage. The highest earning grads for electrical engineering technologies studied at Michigan Technological University and if you want to find the colleges with all of the highest earning graduates, we have that too.
The all-around diversity of electrical engineering technologies is on the higher end, being in the 58th percentile of majors nationally. The school with the most composite diversity for electrical engineering technologies is Johnson & Wales University-Providence and here you can find our comprehensive list of the colleges which have the most diversity. The overall financial diversity of Electrical Engineering Technologies ranks only within the 8th percentile compared to all other majors. Racial diversity is actually greater, ranking in the 87th percentile. White undergraduates make up the largest share, 50%, of scholars studying electrical engineering technologies. Additionally, 90% of undergrads seeking an electrical engineering technologies degree are men.
The median rating of electrical engineering technologies professors is 3.6 stars, a ranking which is 10% below the average score across all majors; this is a subpar ranking. If you want the most popular electrical engineering technologies instructor in the country, take a look at Qv Dang from University of California-Irvine. This might come as a shock, but the best rated professors for electrical engineering technologies from student rankings are found at San Jose State University. As we incorporate data other than just rankings we find that the university possessing comprehensively the best professors for electrical engineering technologies is Purdue University-Main Campus. One can find more detail on our ever evolving ranking methodology for the best overall professors here, as well as some of the finest examples of instructors in the country.
Finally, the hardest college to get into for electrical engineering technologies is Purdue University Northwest. While we think of this list more as a novelty, we do have a detailed page of the hardest colleges to get into. That being said, we do hope you understand that looking at higher education from context mainly informed by superlatives could be said to be the root of many of higher education's fundamental problems. We hope you read our other pages on different schools and peruse a couple of our helpful background articles on important details to look out for as your university search continues.
Search for the best Electrical Engineering Technologies colleges according to your filter parameters.
#1 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
College Station, TX | https://www.tamu.edu/
#2 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Stillwater, OK | www.okstate.edu/
#3 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
West Lafayette, IN | https://www.purdue.edu/
#4 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Houghton, MI | https://www.mtu.edu/
#5 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Pittsburgh, PA | www.cmu.edu/
#6 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Cincinnati, OH | www.uc.edu/
#7 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
University Park, PA |
#8 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Fond du Lac, WI | www.morainepark.edu/
#9 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Ruston, LA | https://www.latech.edu/
#10 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Long Beach, CA | www.csulb.edu/
#11 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Dayton, OH | https://udayton.edu/
#12 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Appleton, WI | https://www.fvtc.edu/
#13 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Coconut Creek, FL | www.atlantictechnicalcollege.edu/
#14 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Watertown, SD | www.lakeareatech.edu/
#15 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Sioux Falls, SD | www.southeasttech.edu/
#16 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
New Bern, NC | www.cravencc.edu/
#17 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Bellingham, WA | https://www.btc.edu/
#18 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Houston, TX | www.uh.edu/
#19 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Athens, OH | https://www.ohio.edu/
#20 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Detroit, MI | www.wayne.edu/
#21 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Cleveland, WI | www.gotoltc.edu/
#22 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Pewaukee, WI | https://www.wctc.edu/
#23 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Rochester, NY | www.rit.edu/
#24 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
El Paso, TX | www.westerntech.edu/
#25 2024 Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering Technologies
Mitchell, SD | https://www.mitchelltech.edu/