2023 Commercial and Advertising Art Cost
There are about 20,657 students enrolled in Commercial and Advertising Art in the USA.
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Commercial and advertising art is the 244th most expensive degree in the nation, with a median cost of $27,612 amongst the top 50 programs (just ahead of #245, Christian Studies, with a median cost of $27,575).
The Far West has the most expensive colleges with great commercial and advertising art programs predominantly led by Art Center College of Design with an annual cost of $44,272. The most expensive state for commercial and advertising art is Washington led by Seattle University.
Public schools with solid programs generally charge 72.7% less than private schools for in-state students. However, when looking at out-of-state tuition, the median top 50 Public school charges 46.4% less than the median private school. So, if you're applying to a state school, make sure you qualify for in-state tuition sooner rather than later.
The most pricey option in the top 25 is Syracuse University, which is the 94th most expensive college in the United States. The most affordable option in the top 100 is Salem State University. It costs just $7,050 per year and is its commercial and advertising art program is ranked #31. If you’re looking for a higher ranked, but still affordable option, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania is probably for you, ranked #18 with an in-state cost of just $7,716. Another more affordable pick would be #21, University of Central Missouri in Johnson County, MO with a cost of $7,050 for in-state students and $13,796 for out-of-state students.