2023 Botany Cost
There are about 1,275 students enrolled in Botany in the USA.
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Vs. National Avg.
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Botany is the 213th most expensive degree in America, with a median cost of $29,346 among the top 50 programs (just ahead of #214, Agricultural Engineering, with a median cost of $29,331).
New England has the most expensive colleges with top 50 botany programs predominantly led by University of Vermont with an annual cost of $41,280. The most expensive state for botany is Vermont also led by University of Vermont.
Public schools with solid programs by and large charge Infinity% more than private schools for in-state students. When looking at out-of-state tuition however, the median top 50 Public school charges Infinity% more than the median private school. So be sure to check out public shools in your state sooner rather than later.
The most expensive top 25 college for botany is University of Vermont. The most affordable option in the top 100 is Weber State University. It costs just $14,973 per year, and it's ranked 19th for its botany program. Another more affordable option would be #17, Humboldt State University in Humboldt County, CA with a cost of $5,742 for in-state students and $17,622 for out-of-state students.