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2023 Architectural Engineering Popularity

There are about 1,478 students enrolled in Architectural Engineering in the USA.

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Architectural engineering is the 241st most popular degree in America, with 772 students receiving their bachelors degree last year. It just beat out #242 Agricultural Teacher Education, and narrowly lost to #240 Occupational Therapy.

The degree is offered at a total of 25 colleges across the nation, and is the 363rd most widely offered degree. It is only offered at 3% of the Top 100 Best Colleges in America.

It is also worth noting that around 5/7 of colleges offering architectural engineering are public making it a quite accessible field.

The plains produces the most architectural engineering graduates, largely led by Kansas State University, while it’s the Big Twelve Conference that leads conference totals. As far as states, Pennsylvania ranks highest, with particular help from Drexel University and Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus.

All that being said, no individual school produces more architectural engineering graduates than Lawrence Technological University, which graduated 106 students last year alone. Although size is critical, another important factor to consider is the program’s density (the percent of all students that study architectural engineering). More students studied architectural engineering as a percentage of total students at Milwaukee School of Engineering than any other college.

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