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2023 Apparel and Textiles Students

There are about 9,379 students enrolled in Apparel and Textiles in the USA.

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Below Average

Compared to national avg.

Diversity Rating


Vs. National Avg.


students Rank



College is a fabulously influential time of one's life; it's a time for personal progress and expansion. Scholars start to discover what they are capable of and develop many of the required skills to be a flourishing member of society. But growth is not completely confined to the classroom - the conversations which one has with their classmates, the wild anecdote received from an old instructor, the exposure to a different worldview. As such, a diverse campus greatly enriches what you gain from your time spent in college.

Apparel and Textiles is a slightly more ethnically diverse focus than average*. 59% of the nation's Apparel and Textiles majors are white students, followed by students of other races**(13%), latino students (12%), and black students (11%). The most ethnically diverse college* in the top 100 is University of Hawaii at Manoa&nbspin Honolulu, HI.

Additionally, Apparel and Textiles very highly skews female, more so 94% of subjects. Nine tenths of students majoring in Apparel and Textiles identify as women. The most gender balanced school in the top 100 is University of California-Davis in Davis, CA.

Another substantial type of diversity is economic diversity. Apparel and Textiles ranks in the top 16% of focuses for income diversity. 27% of its students come from households with a sub $30,000 annual income, 16% are from homes with $48,000 to $75,000 annual incomes, and 26% grew up in households with $110,000 plus annual incomes. Appalachian State University has the most financially diverse students in the top 100.

Considering each type of diversity, overall HI is the most diverse state for Apparel and Textiles. The Mid East is the most diverse region, and the is the most diverse conference.

* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white

Diversity Statistics

Racial Diversity
  • Asian: 6%

  • Black: 11%

  • Latino: 12%

  • White: 59%

  • Other: 13%

    Gender Diversity
  • Male: 10%

  • Female: 90%

    Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
  • Under 30k: 27%

  • 30k - 48k: 15%

  • 48k - 75k: 16%

  • 75k - 110k: 16%

  • Over 110k: 26%

    Geographic Diversity
  • In State: 70%

  • Out of State: 27%

  • International: 3%

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