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2023 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services Rankings

There are about 304,381 students enrolled in Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services in the USA.




A degree in Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services is not only a valuable choice, but usually a needed first step for scholars seeking to begin a career as a veterans affair healthcare director, a military paramedic, or an emergency medical technician . In fact, allied health and medical assisting services is a ​unique degree ranking as the 189th most popular degree. Last year, there were 1,271 allied health and medical assisting services degrees conferred. In-state tuition for allied health and medical assisting services at private universities is, on average, 2.8 times more spendy than their public counterparts.

With just 56 colleges having programs for allied health and medical assisting services you could have a smaller selection of institutions which will have a degree program for you. If you are looking to surround yourself with other allied health and medical assisting services majors, look at universities in Ohio which have more undergrads admitted to allied health and medical assisting services than any other state. less precisely, the best region to major in allied health and medical assisting services is in the Great Lakes region with Michigan State University, Cedarville University, and Ohio State University-Main Campus best representing the region. Interestingly, our selection of the best conference to major in allied health and medical assisting services is the Big Ten Conference with Michigan State University, Ohio State University-Main Campus, and Purdue University-Main Campus representing the conference. That said, our belief is that the best school for allied health and medical assisting services is University of Connecticut. You might also want to check out our list of best colleges.

The objectively 'best' school is not necessarily the 'best' school for you. There can be lots of facets to consider when deciding on college. External stuff like campus amenities, transportation services, and food would change one's feelings on which university to attend. Here at Authority, we examined the pros and cons for you. If, for example, you are intrigued by which allied health and medical assisting services college has the top campus, the winner is Michigan State University. If, for example, you are primarily interested in which college has the best campus, then we have an entire list dedicated to that. We have carefully pored through student reviews, government databases, professor reviews, and more in order to compare every major in an unbiased and informative way. Here you can find our comprehensive list for the schools with the best student life&nbspand our pick of the school with the best student life for allied health and medical assisting services is Michigan State University. Curious why? Keep scrolling to learn more about our top recommendations. Some of our picks will probably shock you.

If expense is a significant factor in your choice of where you attend school, you might be cautious about Widener University. Widener University&nbspappears to be the most expensive college for allied health and medical assisting services, at least regarding out of state attendance. That being said, we have a page for the most expensive&nbspuniversities that might put the expense of Widener University&nbspinto perspective. You may also care to know that allied health and medical assisting services is the 316th most expensive major in the US, with an average cost of $22,200. To zoom out a little, the most costly state for allied health and medical assisting services in the country is Connecticut with costs at the primary school, University of Connecticut, of $36,466. Even more broadly, the most costly region for allied health and medical assisting services is the New England region which is best demonstrated with University of Connecticut with a cost of $36,466, Becker College with a cost of $36,300, and University of Massachusetts-Amherst with a cost of $35,112.

Our cheapest region for allied health and medical assisting services is the Plains region which is represented by North Dakota State University-Main Campus with a cost of $12,413. In better news, the most affordable school for allied health and medical assisting services is Santa Ana College.'s full list of the most affordable schools can be found here.

In-state attendees can anticipate paying around $9,600 for a degree in allied health and medical assisting services. That price swells by a lot to an average of $22,200 for an out-of-state public-school undergrad. As such, you might be interested in our pick for the university representing the best value for allied health and medical assisting services: Manhattan College. Through this link you can see our comprehensive list of the colleges we see as being the best value&nbspin general. Do know, this section is predicated on out-of-state tuition costs. A discussion of value changes when in-state tuition costs are considered, but we do not know where you live (and are not trying to collect that kind of data).

Earnings for allied health and medical assisting services students differ widely, but two-years after finishing the degree graduates will typically make around $35,000. There can be a lot of variation in earnings potential; top positions can experience pay up to $63,000. Right out of college, the lowest end positions within the allied health and medical assisting services field make $18,900, which could be worse. The highest earning graduates for allied health and medical assisting services attended Manhattan College&nbspand if you are looking for universities with all of the highest earning graduates, we have that too.

The prevailing diversity of allied health and medical assisting services falls below average, coming within the 30th percentile of all programs. The school with the most composite diversity for allied health and medical assisting services is Nova Southeastern University&nbspand here you can find our comprehensive list for the colleges which have the most diversity. The financial diversity of the Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services major only sits in the 40th percentile of all majors. Racial diversity is even less in the 39th percentile. White students make up the largest proportion, 65%, of students majoring in allied health and medical assisting services. Additionally, 85% of scholars pursuing an allied health and medical assisting services degree are women.

The median rating for allied health and medical assisting services professors is 4.1 stars, a rating which is 2% greater than the average score across all majors; this is a good score. If you are looking for the most popular allied health and medical assisting services professor in the nation, look no further than Sherese Mitchell at CUNY Hostos Community College. This may come as a surprise, but the top ranked professors for allied health and medical assisting services from student rankings are found at University of Central Florida. As we incorporate data other than simply rankings it becomes clear that the school possessing comprehensively the best instructors for allied health and medical assisting services is Purdue University-Main Campus. One can find an explanation of our evolving ranking methodology for the best overall professors here, as well as many of the top examples of professors nationwide.

Finally, the hardest school to get into for allied health and medical assisting services is University of Connecticut. While we think of this list more as a novelty, we have a comprehensive page of the hardest colleges to get into. That being said, here at Authority we hope you believe that looking at the higher education world with a perspective primarily built on superlatives could cause problems. We encourage you to look at some of our other pages on different universities and explore some of our informative background articles on beneficial things to think about as your university search continues.

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