2023 Agricultural Public Services Professors
There are about 1,414 students enrolled in Agricultural Public Services in the USA.
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Above Average
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Professor Rating
Vs. National Avg.
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Fast Facts for Agricultural Public Services: Median Professor Rating: 3.85 / 5, which is below average.
Instructors always play an important role in your college experience, regardless of your primary focus. An amazing teacher might provide inspiration and set one up for future success. On the flip side, a bad professor can cause a lot of anxiety or even worse... flunk you!
Agricultural Public Services professors have a median student rating of 3.85 / 5, putting them in the bottom 22 percent in the US grounded in student satisfaction. For context that's 3.75% less than the national median professor rating for all subjects. Agricultural Public Services professors just edged-out those from "Computer Engineering", whereas "Music Therapy" professors ranked one slot above Agricultural Public Services.
Now for some statistics about Agricultural Public Services professors. Colleges located in midsize citys tend to have the best Agricultural Public Services professors. The North Coast Athletic Conference has the highest rated Agricultural Public Services professors. The Southeast region has the highest rated Agricultural Public Services professors. Public schools tend to have higher rated Agricultural Public Services professors than private colleges. Finally, Virginia has the highest rated Agricultural Public Services professors in the nation.
Ian Bolling, instructor at Tidewater Community College in Norfolk, VA is the most popular Agricultural Public Services professor in America. Matthew Soricelli, instructor at Tidewater Community College in Norfolk, VA is the highest rated Agricultural Public Services professor in the nation, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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