Best Online Colleges in Alaska
Best Online Colleges in Alaska
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Benefits of Studying Online in Alaska
Aside from boasting the most spectacular scenery of any U.S. state, the Alaskan economy is also extremely attractive. The fact that it's home to just over 733,000 people (ranking it as the 48th largest state by population according to the most recent census report) gives it a sense of isolation, making it an ideal destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the larger metropolitan cities. It's also the largest state in terms of total area with more than 665,000 square miles, presenting students with an oppotunity to explore a wide variety of different terrains, ranging from the subarctic tundra to ocean coasts, to a mile-high alpine terrain.
Employment Stats
Despite the state's small population and therefore small labor force, Alaska is still a competitive job market. According to data from October 2022, the state had a total of 321,500 non-farm employees, making it the nation’s 49th largest employer by total population (with just 0.21% of the nation’s workers). This number increased a tiny bit from the 2021 figure of 315,800, which translates to a total year-over-year gain of just 5,700 (or 1.8%, the exact same figure as the 50th ranked state). The minor increase in employment makes it the 48th fastest growing state by jobs created, however it's far below the national median of 1,656,000 employed workers (in fact, it’s 84% less).
It just beat out Vermont, the 50th ranked state, by a margin of 20k employed workers (or 6.53% higher). On the other hand, it lost to it's neighbor North Dakota by a margin of 111,000 (a deficit of -25.6%). In terms of total employment, Alaska fell 98% short of the nation's leader (California) - however, this isn't surprising given that it makes up just 0.2% of the nation’s population. Nonetheless, Alaska does offer something completely unique for those looking for an economic adventure, especially for those seeking something a bit more rural. Students should consider the benefits of studying in a less crowded state with strong economic growth and ample opportunity for exploration.
Job Opportunities
Alaska has the distinction of being the US’ largest state by land mass, however the state offers a less diverse job market, coming in with 533 unique job types for workers to choose from. This places the state at the 48th rank, though compared to the nation’s median of 722 occupations, Alaska falls -26.2% behind the national baseline. Therefore, although you may be able to find a job in any given occupation, the overall selection of job types is somewhat limited compared to the rest of the country.
As far as higher education goes, Alaska has a number of top-rated universities, such as the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the University of Alaska Anchorage for instance. While the former offers an array of majors ranging from engineering to anthropology, the latter offers perfect opportunities for students interested in pursuing a career in the medical industry. Other universities include Alaska Pacific University, Alaska Bible College and Sheldon Jackson College. Alaskan universities also offer a variety of online degree programs for those wishing to study from home.
*All data sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Best Online Colleges in Alaska
Best Online Colleges in Alaska