

Best Community Colleges in Utah

Best Community Colleges in Utah

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Community Colleges


Why Attend Community College in Utah?

Utah might not be the first state that pops into your mind when you think of attending college, yet it should be! It has some of the lowest tuition rates in the nation, along with much lower overall costs when compared to other states, such as California and Connecticut. Plus, the state’s incredible scenery and mild climate offer one of the most picturesque places to study and enjoy college. Opportunities abound within the state to engage in outdoor activities, experiencing the wide open spaces and the vibrant nightlife that Utah offers. Plus, community colleges in Utah have a track record of success with their graduates, as evidenced by the high rate of alumni achieving their bachelor’s degrees on time.

What Career Pathways Are Available in Utah?

When compared to the national median of 700 job types, Utah offers one of the highest counts at 720 - ranking 27th nationwide. States like Louisiana, with fewer jobs available, have a median of only 722. With such a high count, there are a large array of job opportunities available in the state. Utah employs over 1.55 million people, a full 1.10% of the nation’s labor force, giving it the top 30th percentile in job count. Oregon is the median state for job count, with 1.825 million employed, however Utah falls short of that by 270,700; or a difference of -14.8%.

What Are The Most Common Jobs in Utah?

Although there are over 700 different job types in Utah (720 to be exact), some of the most common are general managers, customer service representatives, and fast food and counter workers.

General Managers

Utah employs around 60,180 general managers, the 16th most in the nation and putting the state in the top 3%. When it comes to the money, Utah is 1 of the least generous states, ranking in the 48th slot with a median annual salary of $64,090. That in itself is 6% below the median salary paid nationwide. However, if you consider the total number of professionals employed in this role in the US, Utah holds about 1.98%.

Customer Service Representatives

The customer service sector in Utah is slightly better paid than general managers, but still lags behind most of the nation in terms of pay for the role. The median salary for customer service reps is $36,590 - and incredibly Utah still ranks in the 30th percentile nationwide. In terms of quantity, there are 55,070 such jobs in Utah, with the 18th most of any state - however, Texas is the leader with over 290,000. Once again, Utah falls short of that total by 81%.

Fast Food And Counter Workers

These employees are most closely associated with the service industry, and there are 45,490 fast food and counter workers in Utah. Although not incredibly far off from the national median, Utah ranks 24th nationally in terms of quantity - but 87% below the top state (California) and its 360,000 such employees. With a decent 44% salary inverse, Utah pays the median $23,140, only 0.6% below the median of Nebraska. Those that perform higher than average in this role can earn up to 30% bonus - though the amount of bonus varies depending on which city one is employed in.

Best Community Colleges in Utah

Best Community Colleges in Utah



#1 Best Community Colleges in Utah

Salt Lake Community College

Salt Lake City, UT |











#2 Best Community Colleges in Utah

Snow College

Ephraim, UT |









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