2023 Systems Engineering Professors
There are about 6,629 students enrolled in Systems Engineering in the USA.
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Fast Facts for Systems Engineering: Median Professor Rating: 3.7 / 5, which is below average.
Professors consistently have a massive influence your college experience, no matter what you study. An effective professor could help a student find their passion and even make a difficult subject seem fun. Contrarily, an unpleasant professor can disenchant you from an entire field or even worse... flunk you!
Systems Engineering professors have a median student rating of 3.7 out of 5, which puts these professors in the bottom 13% in America based on overall professor effectivness. For context a 3.7 rating is 7.5% below the national median professor rating for all subjects. Professors of Systems Engineering just edged-out those from "Industrial Management", whereas "Mathematics" professors ranked one slot above Systems Engineering.
Now for some statistics about Systems Engineering professors. Colleges located in small suburbs tend to have the best Systems Engineering professors. The Northeast Conference has the highest rated Systems Engineering professors. The Rocky Mountains region has the highest rated Systems Engineering professors. Private universities tend to have higher rated Systems Engineering professors than public colleges. Finally, District of Columbia has the highest rated Systems Engineering professors in the US.
Adam Reed, professor at University of Nevada-Reno in Reno, NV is the most popular Systems Engineering professor in America. Robert Makhlouf, instructor at Porterville College in Porterville, CA is the highest rated Systems Engineering professor in America, with a rating of 5 / 5.
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