2023 Registered Nursing Cost
There are about 1,068,224 students enrolled in Registered Nursing in the USA.
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Registered nursing is the 277th most expensive degree in the United States, with a median cost of $25,615 amongst the top 50 programs (just ahead of #278, Applied Horticulture and Horticultural Business Services, with a median cost of $25,593).
New England has the most expensive colleges with top 50 registered nursing programs predominantly led by Fairfield University with an annual cost of $49,080. The most expensive state for registered nursing is Oregon led by George Fox University and University of Portland.
Public schools with solid programs typically charge 70.94% less than private schools for in-state students. When looking at out-of-state tuition however, the median top 50 Public school charges 35.5% less than the median private school. So be sure to take a look at public shools in your state ASAP.
The most pricey option in the top 25 is Duke University, which is the 39th most expensive college in America. The most affordable option in the top 100 is Sentara College of Health Sciences. It costs just $