2023 Preschool Education and Teaching Rankings
There are about 11,336 students enrolled in Preschool Education and Teaching in the USA.
Going to school for Preschool Education and Teaching is not only a valuable choice, but naturally a requisite first step for pupils aspiring to enter a career as a preschool teacher, a child development counselor, or a homeschool specialist. In fact, preschool education and teaching is an uncommon degree coming in at the 228th most popular area of study. Last year alone, there were 850 preschool education and teaching degrees conferred. In-state tuition for preschool education and teaching at private universities is, on average, 3.2 times more expensive than their public equivalents.
With only 76 colleges having programs for preschool education and teaching you might have limited options as to the institutions which will have a degree program for you. If you're looking to surround yourself with other preschool education and teaching majors, consider colleges in North Carolina which have more students admitted to preschool education and teaching than any other state. less precisely, the best region to get a degree in preschool education and teaching is in the Southeast region with University of Arkansas, Georgia State University, and Western Carolina University best representing the region. Interestingly, our selection for the top conference to major in preschool education and teaching is the Sun Belt Conference with Georgia State University representing the conference. Based on our comprehensive list of the best colleges, our choice for the best school for preschool education and teaching is Tulane University of Louisiana.
The overall best school is not necessarily the best school for every student. There are a bunch of facets to think about when selecting university. Features like campus amenities, transportation services, and food would definitely alter one's decision of where to go to university. Here at authority.org, we have weighed the pros and cons for you. If, for example, you are interested in which preschool education and teaching university boasts the top campus, the answer is University of Maryland-College Park. If, for example, you are very interested in which college is home to the top campus, then we have a whole page dedicated to that. We have carefully pored through student reviews, professor reviews, government databases, and more to compare every U.S. major in an unbiased and informative way. You can find our comprehensive list for the universities with the best student life here and from that list, our selection of the school with the best student life for preschool education and teaching is University of Maryland-College Park. Are you curious why? Keep scrolling to find out more about our top selections. Many of our conclusions just might surprise you.
If price is a primary influence in your decision on where to go to school, you might consider avoiding Tulane University of Louisiana. Tulane University of Louisiana is the most expensive college for preschool education and teaching, at least for out of state attendance. We do have an entire list of the most expensive universities that might put the price tag at Tulane University of Louisiana into perspective. Additionally, you could be interested to know that preschool education and teaching is the 381st most expensive major in the United States, with an average bill of $17,200. To zoom out a little, the most costly state for preschool education and teaching on our list is Louisiana demonstrated with a tuition of $52,760 at the main college in the state Tulane University of Louisiana. Even more broadly, the most costly region for preschool education and teaching is the Mid East region which is best demonstrated with University of Maryland-College Park with a cost of $34,936, Stevenson University with a cost of $34,528, and Felician University with a cost of $32,550.
Our cheapest region for preschool education and teaching is the New England region which is represented by Eastern Connecticut State University with a cost of $17,726 and Westfield State University with a cost of $7,050. More optimistically, the most affordable university for preschool education and teaching is Western Carolina University. Authority's comprehensive list of the most affordable colleges can be explored here.
In-state students can anticipate paying about $9,200 for a degree in preschool education and teaching. That cost grows dramatically to a median of $19,800 for the out-of-state public-school undergrad. On that note, our choice for the university with the best value for preschool education and teaching: Tulane University of Louisiana. Through this link you can see our comprehensive list for the universities we see as being the best value in general. Do know, this section is based on being an out-of-state student. A discussion of value changes when it comes to in-state tuition, but as we do not know what state(s) you might qualify for in-state tuition, we are approaching this discussion through out-of-state tuition costs.
Earnings for preschool education and teaching students can cover a wide range, but within two-years of graduation graduates will typically make around $38,100. There is much variation in earnings potential; highest paid earners can bring in up to $71,200. Even straight out of school, the minimum earning positions within the preschool education and teaching field make $21,100, which could be worse. The top earning grads for preschool education and teaching studied at University of Maryland-College Park and if you want to find the schools with all of the highest earning graduates, Authority has that too.
The prevailing diversity of preschool education and teaching ranks below average, falling in the 30th percentile of all majors. The college with the highest composite diversity for preschool education and teaching is Georgia State University and here you can find our comprehensive list of the universities with the most diversity. The overall financial diversity of Preschool Education and Teaching is only within the 76th percentile of all majors. Racial diversity is even lower in the 50th percentile. White undergraduates compose the largest proportion at 61% of students studying preschool education and teaching. Additionally, 97% of undergraduates seeking a preschool education and teaching major are women.
We have insufficient professors data for preschool education and teaching to make the conclusions we normally would have made in this sentence. As we incorporate data beyond basic rankings it becomes clear that the college with comprehensively the best professors for preschool education and teaching is University of Maryland-College Park. You will find an explanation of our evolving ranking methodology for the best overall professors here, as well as some of the best examples of instructors nationwide.
Finally, the hardest college to get into for preschool education and teaching is Tulane University of Louisiana. While we think of this list more as a novelty, we have a general page for the hardest colleges to get into. With that said, here at Authority we do hope you believe that considering college with a perspective only shaped by superlatives might cause issues. We at Authority encourage you to read our more focused pages on individual topics and peruse some of our insightful background pages on useful details to consider as you continue your university search.