2023 Exercise Physiology Students
There are about 11,081 students enrolled in Exercise Physiology in the USA.
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Below Average
Compared to national avg.
Diversity Rating
Vs. National Avg.
students Rank
College is an incredibly impactful adventure in one's life; it's an opportunity for personal progress and evolution. Undergraduates continue to realize what they wish to do and build many of the necessary skills to become a flourishing adult. But growth is more than sitting in the classroom - the campus dialogue, the personal lesson received from an old professor, the exposure to a different frame of mind. As such, attending a diverse college tremendously improves what you gain from your time spent in school.
Exercise Physiology is a less ethnically diverse focus than average*. 73% of America's Exercise Physiology majors are white students, followed by latino students (10%), students of other races**(7%), and black students (6%). The most ethnically diverse college* in the top 100 is University of California-Irvine in Irvine, CA.
Moreover, Exercise Physiology significatly skews female, with a touch south of 5/8ths of students majoring in Exercise Physiology identifying as women. The most gender balanced school in the top 100 is Barry University in Miami, FL.
Another critical type of diversity is class diversity. Exercise Physiology ranks fairly close to the middle of the pack for financial diversity (42nd percentile). 30% of its students come from families taking in north of $110,000 a year, 16% are from mid-income households, and 23% grew up in households who bring in below $30,000 a year. Drury University is the most economically diverse institution in the top 100.
Considering each type of diversity, overall CA is the most diverse state for Exercise Physiology. The Far West is the most diverse region, and the Big West Conference is the most diverse conference.
* diversity calculations and comparisons are based on Simpson's Diversity Index
** other races is used to refer to non asian, black, latino, or white
Diversity Statistics
Racial Diversity
Asian: 5%
Black: 6%
Latino: 10%
White: 73%
Other: 7%
Gender Diversity
Male: 38%
Female: 62%
Socioeconomic Diversity (By Household Income)
Under 30k: 23%
30k - 48k: 14%
48k - 75k: 16%
75k - 110k: 16%
Over 110k: 30%
Geographic Diversity
In State: 68%
Out of State: 27%
International: 5%