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2023 Dental Hygiene Salary

There are about 34,367 students enrolled in Dental Hygiene in the USA.

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Low Paying

Compared to national avg.

Average Salary Two Years Out of School


Vs. National Avg.


salary Rank



Going to college is a huge investment for most people. It is important to be confident you justify your spend. With that in mind, we hope the following earnings and job placement statistics help you make an informed decision when choosing your major.

Right out of school, Dental Hygiene majors bring in $25,846 per year on average (bottom 5%). Later on in their employment, they ordinarily bring in something between $48,990 and $119,250, but average near $77,243. Just so you know, that is 100% over the nation's average.

The most common work title for a Dental Hygiene graduate is Public Health Dentist, which for the most part earn more or less $64,000; next are Warehouse Worker and Certified Nursing Assistant, which predominantly earn about $23,000 and $22,000 respectively.

The most well paid region for Dental Hygiene graduates is The Far West. The best paid state for Dental Hygiene graduates is CA. The most well paid conference for Dental Hygiene graduates is Big Sky Conference.

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